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Daily Water Balance

Dairy WatBal is water balance model for dairy effluent systems. It performs a daily water balance simulation on dairy effluent storages, accounting for pond inflows resulting from shed washdown, rainfall and runoff from several different catchment areas, in addition to pond outflows resulting from evaporation, effluent application and use of recycled effluent for yard washing purposes.

For Dairy Consultants and Service Providers

Dairy WatBall was developed to assist dairy industry service providers and consultants in designing, evaluating and managing effluent reuse systems. By limiting effluent pond spills to an acceptable frequency, designers can protect the environment against potential contamination, while maximising the productive value of the nutrient and water resources in dairy effluent.


Dairy Watbal allows designers and consultants to investigate design requirements for Single Pond, Dual Pond and even Tripple pond configurations. The designs can be evaulated based on different flushing, solids removal and runoff capture scenarios. Treated effluent water can be applied to a range of irrigation scenarios and cropping patterns.

Development History

Dairy WatBal is an enhancement of the WatBal 6 spreadsheet developed by Skerman and Simpson (2017) with funding assistance from Dairy Australia under Project No C100002114 - 'Revision of WaterBal 5 model to improve its usability and application to a wider range of possible dairy effluent system design and operating scenarios'.

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